Downer Grover Product Liability Lawyers

Downer Grover Product Liability Lawyers

Downers Grover Product Liability Lawyer – Trusted for Victims of Defective Products

Paul FinaDid you know Johnson & Johnson used asbestos in their talcum powders? Phillip Morris would still be selling cigarettes to children if consumers didn't stand up for their rights. Safe products are constantly a threat whether Monsanto was telling them Round-Up is safer than table salt or Dow Corning is selling leaking silicone breast implants. We are your top Downers Grover product liability lawyers and assist Windy City residents whose defective products have hurt you or your loved ones.

You have rights! We want to inform victims of product-related injuries and accidents that they have the right to financial compensation. Consumers must fight back, and we will help you secure the best settlement. Your responsibility is to file a lawsuit so our products can be safer.

Understanding Product Liability

You would not be able to sue a knife maker if you cut yourself accidentally with one of their knives. Knives can be rugged and are considered a weapon, and it is essential to determine if you used the product as intended.

What if I had to cut my hair with a pair of scissors?

You would not be able to file a product liability case if you used scissors like a drill bit, and the manufacturer didn't intend you to use the scissors as a screwdriver. If you cut fabric with scissors and they break down due to a defect that caused injury, you can file a product liability case. These are the four main elements of a product liability case.

  • You sustained injuries or losses.
  • The product is defective.
  • The defect caused your damage.
  • You used the product strictly as intended.

Seeking legal counsel if a consumer product has hurt you is crucial. Downers Grover product liability lawyers have the knowledge and experience to help you understand what constitutes a product liability case.

Statistics on Product Liability

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, 38,573,000 product-related injuries and 35,900 product-related deaths in one year. The report also states that household consumer products continue to cause over 33 million injuries yearly, even though years have passed. According to the National Safety Council, one in fifteen Americans typically sustained injuries from a product found in their homes.

What is a defective product? These are consumer goods with design, manufacturing, or instructional/warning defects that create a hazard, such as:

  • Consuming a toxin or getting poisoned
  • suffocation
  • Catching on fire, burning
  • Swimming drowning
  • Overheating
  • Appendages are seen in the product or hit by it.
  • Falling
  • Cuts, lacerations, and bruises
  • Being shocked or electrocuted
  • Choking
  • A puncture wound will need treatment
  • Exposure to a toxin/hazardous chemical

These are the most common causes of severe injuries and deaths in home accidents, especially for children: falling, drowning, burning, and poison.

The Most Dangerous Household Products

Let's now talk about the most dangerous household items that can cause injury. These are the items that you should avoid keeping in your home.

  • These are chemical-free air fresheners. These chemicals can float through your home or car's air and build up in the body. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, these chemicals can negatively impact children's hormones and reproductive organs.
  • Toilet cleaners: Most toilet cleaners' active ingredients are highly corrosive, and they are acidic and can burn through the t, bowl, grime, skin, and eyes. It would be best not to mix your toilet cleaners with other cleaners.
  • Mothballs: Mothballs contain a toxic chemical known as naphthalene. Naphthalene, a carcinogen, kills red blood cells and is known to cause cancer.
  • Non-stick pots & pans: This Non-stick cookware relies on a specific carcinogen called polytetrafluoroethylene to work, and these chemical releases harmful gasses when heated.
  • Gas heaters: Do not use gas heaters indoors. The fumes can be highly toxic. Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause sudden death.
  • Extension cords: The #1 cause of fire in America is the improper use of extension cords. Extension cords are not the problem, but the way they are used in homes. The maximum voltage that outlets can handle is limited. Extension cords shouldn't be tucked under furniture or rugs. Do not overload your outlets.
  • Oven cleaners: The chemicals in oven cleaners can be as corrosive as toilet cleaners. The highly alkaline ingredients found in most oven cleaners can cause severe damage to your digestive tract if inhaled or eaten.
  • Antibacterial soaps: Many people buy these products because they believe they are safe and valuable. Antibacterial soaps have two hazardous chemicals in their antibacterial ingredients: triclocarban (triclosan). These chemicals can cause antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which is deadly.
  • Flammable retardants: Which do you prefer, infertility, congenital disabilities, or burning? Toxic flame retardant chemicals may be found in older carpets, cushions, pillows, couches, and fabrics (curtains and pajamas). They can also cause reproductive problems.
  • Tick and flea repellants: What do you prefer for your pet to become itchy or have nerve damage? Before resorting to chemical treatments, always try natural methods for eliminating household pests.
  • Old paint: This is Lead-based paint that has been used since the 1970s and can cause lead poisoning. It's time for professionals to spray safer, newer paint on the older stain. The lead paint may be expelled by brush-painting.
  • Furniture polish/wood stain – Another highly inflammable household product. These stains and polishes can cause skin cancer and contain phenol and nitrobenzene toxic chemicals.

Fire hazards in your home

This was something we touched upon with furniture polish and extension cords. However, a fire in your house can cause more harm than just injury to you and your family, and it can also cause damage to your home. After looking at these numbers, you'll need to inspect your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

  • One in eight home fires is caused by other electrical shortages or another failure (such as the extension cord overload).
  • Consumer Reports report that more than 15,000,000 appliances have been recalled due to fire hazards within the last 15 years.
  • According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), there are approximately 12,720 injuries and 2,560 fatalities annually due to house fires.
  • According to the NFPA, defective electrical products were responsible for over 500 deaths and more than 1,250 injuries in 2014.
  • Consumer Reports found that over 35,000 fires were caused by electrical faults and/or mechanical design flaws of household products.
  • Keep informed about recalls.

The manufacturer can locate you through your VIN and DMV records if your car is affected by a recall. If your curling iron is recalled, you won't hear about it. The following household products are most frequently placed:

  • Appliances
  • Baby gear
  • Power tools
  • Heaters/air conditioners
  • Handheld powered items (hairdryers and electric can openers).
  • Cleaners/detergents
  • Home fixtures
  • Toys
  • Furniture

Therefore, you should check yearly, if not more often, to see which household items have been recalled. To find out more, visit

Who is responsible for a Product Liability Lawsuit?

Illinois allows injured persons to sue anyone involved in product distribution. This could include:

  • The manufacturer of the product
  • Manufacturer of parts
  • An individual who assembles or places the product
  • Wholesaler or retailer

Complex product liability lawsuits can arise. Paul J. Fina has product liability lawyers in Downers Grove who can help you navigate the complexities of these types of cases.

Someone told me my Claim was not serious, but I'm hurt. What should I do?

Product liability lawsuits are serious business. People are often seriously injured and even killed by the products they use every day. Understanding your rights under the law is crucial. You should be entitled to compensation for your pain and suffering, medical bills, and lost wages. Paul J. Fina's dedicated product liability lawyers will enlist top experts to evaluate your case. We have a record of success in complex product liability cases.

Although some may laugh at product liability lawsuits against manufacturers and wholesalers of consumer products, the truth is that these people are responsible for ensuring the products they sell are safe. The person who sold the product must be held accountable if a person is hurt or killed due to using it. The world will be safer if these companies and individuals are held responsible for their products.

Who can I trust to get me the recovery I need?

Paul J. Fina's goal is to provide comprehensive, competent representation to those with unsafe or defective products injured to get the maximum compensation. Our product liability lawyers will help you navigate the complexities of each case and guide you through it. Fight for Defective Product Victims

Downers Grover's most trusted product liability lawyer

A local Downers Grover law firm believes that dangerous products should be made public. You have a right to seek a skilled and dedicated lawyer to protect your rights if a defective product has caused you injury. Many have trusted us with product liability cases, and let's discuss how we can earn and keep your trust.

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